Posts tagged teacher training
Understanding The Teacher Retention Crisis: Contributing Factors and Solutions

Teacher turnover is one of the most pressing challenges facing schools, with nearly one-third of new educators leaving the profession within their first few years. This ongoing cycle disrupts student learning, strains school budgets, and makes it harder to build a strong, cohesive teaching staff. As a principal, you have the power to change this.

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The Missing Piece in Teacher Training: Preparing Educators for Effective Parent Involvement

Despite the importance of parental involvement in student success, teacher training programs and schools often struggle to equip new teachers with the necessary skills to effectively engage parents. When we incorporate comprehensive parent involvement training, we empower new educators with the knowledge and skills to foster strong partnerships with parents.

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Effective Strategies for Managing An Elementary Classroom for New Teachers

As a new elementary school teacher, classroom management can seem like a daunting task, but don’t worry we all had to pass through the storm to get to a sunny day! This blog emphasizes the critical importance of effective classroom management and provides practical strategies for new teachers.

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Unleash The Emergency Credentials Now! Schools Are Struggling to Make it to Christmas

Did you know, In Utah, you no longer need a teaching degree to teach; all you need is relevant professional experience? I’m not sure if we are ready to go there yet... let’s start by maybe increasing the teacher's salaries.

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Does Your School Utilize Virtual And Augmented Reality

As of 2022, the only true barriers to implementing virtual reality learning throughout the U.S. educational system are access to sufficient internet, the cost of VR and AR devices, and the lack of educational programs that have already been fully adapted to virtual reality and augmented reality learning.

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